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Monday, August 19, 2013

Email, Twitter, Facebook and other computer terrors

It is thought to be so unnecessary that the next generation is not being taught script. After all, they are born not sucking a thumb but a keyboard. So what about us? If you do email, that's great. If not, there are hands-on workshops to learn how to use the computer, free at your local library. Go to to find out more. If you don't see the need, think about: notes from your grandchildren (and even your children), trip planning to New Zealand and Antarctica, and of course, that absolute necessity, restaurant reviews.


Years ago, I was a resolute Luddite married to a computer consultant, until I got tired of missing all the fun. Now, surrounded by family experts, I still have the occasion frisson of terror at awful things that might happen. I am reminded of the moment my 8-year old son pressed a key and simultaneously there was a gas explosion outside. It was days before we could convince him he didn't cause it. Remember, first locate the Undo key. It will find the pages you thought irretrievably lost and quiet your beating heart.

So you have mastered email and the Web. But what about Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and other such things? It has taken me a while to understand that there are people out there who really want to know what other people have had for breakfast: this is Facebook. And there are others who want to know at every exact moment what a celebrity or politician is thinking: this is Twitter. To use a Wiki (short for Wikipedia--the sum of all knowledge, both correct and incorrect), Tumblr "allows users to post text, images, videos, links, quotes and audio to their tumblelog." When you have reached this summit, you may no longer need the 12-year old who has been standing by.

And what is a blog? it is short for the now-forgotten term, Web log, and can be used in noun and verb forms. When you feel like sharing knowledge you have painfully gathered in the course of a misspent life, you blog.


To begin, first find that 12-year old then go to, Google's free weblog publishing tool. This is the easier platform to use; those at a more advanced level (pas moi)  can use Wordpress at

Again, a word about shame. If you are too embarrassed to admit you need a class; you will miss out on all the fun. Don't delay; get cracking and get connected.


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